Minitials Signature Initials


The Minitials Signature Initials can be placed on your necklace by our goldsmith, if you have more loved ones to honour. Scroll down for more information.

  • Processing time
    2 working days (when in stock)

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Do you have more loved ones to honour? Please meet our initial additions.
Our goldsmith will attach the new initial(s) to your existing signature necklace.

1. Local Pick-up Minitials Flagship Store
Visit our store in Eindhoven by appointment. As soon as you have placed the order online, it is ready to be attached to your necklace/bracelet from the next day. Please note, we only work by appointment, you can schedule an appointment here.

2. Return your necklace/bracelet to Minitials:
After you have placed your order for an extra initial via our webshop, send your current necklace to Victoriapark 8, 5611 BM in Eindhoven, with your details and order number. When you send Minitials products (especially necklaces) we advise you to use the original Minitials packaging, where you can put the product in the insert. This way, it won’t get tangled up! Sending the necklace or bracelet is at your own risk. We recommend that you send the necklace or bracelet by registered post. Then we will complete the necklace and you will receive it back within 4 working days after we have received your necklace.

*The removal of any knots costs €49

3. Please Send the Unattached Addition:
We will send the individual initial in a gift bag to the shipping address. After the initial has been given, the necklace plus addition can be sent to Victoriapark 8, 5611 BM in Eindhoven, with your details and order number. Sending the necklace or bracelet is at your own risk. We recommend that you send the necklace or bracelet by registered post. Then we will complete the necklace and you will receive it back within 4 working days after we have received your necklace.

18K yellow, white or rose gold
Signature pendant ± 5 mm high
Checked by the Dutch Assay Office
Quality mark will be visible on the necklace or bracelet

Processing time:
Unattached Initial: 2 Business Days
Attached to Necklace or Bracelet: 4 business days after receiving your Necklace/Bracelet

Delivery time per location:
NL = 1 – 2 business days
EU & UK = 2 – 5 business days
Other countries: Click here


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