It’s April 30th 2020. After 9 months and the magic of childbirth, I can hold our baby. We call him James. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions where pride and love dominate. The enduring love for my girlfriend Lisa, the instant love for James and the love for our beautiful family. In the delivery room, there were only three other people but time stood still. I whispered to James that I would always take care of him.
The next day we took James home. With his arrival nothing is like we were used to. Maternity care sent me out to get nipple shields, breast pump and other (for me) indefinable accessories this little guy or my girlfriend needs. I almost had no sleep for two nights but I got in the car with the biggest smile on my face. The music was playing loud (like I was at a festival), where earplugs would be the better choice.
Because of Covid-19 the family could only visit with the 1,5 meters distance. While baby James is lying with his mother, I look at all the grandparents who wave at a baby who can only see about 30 cm from his face, I am overwhelmed with love and joy. We both have a Benji bead with the letter J to always keep James close to us. Then godmother Jessie brought the perfect present for James – A Benji bead with his Zodiac sign. A beautiful and timeless bracelet which he can always wear.
– Milan, father of James
Fotography by @jessiedillenfotografie