Minitials One Signature Fingerprint Necklace


The Minitials One Signature Fingerprint Necklace can be created by choosing initial, symbol or number of your loved one. With the fingerprint laserengraving you create the ultimate personal necklace. Scroll down for more information.

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    • (max file size 128 MB)
  • Processing time
    20 working days

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“Our fingerprints don’t fade from the hearts we touch…”

Compose your own Minitials by choosing the initials, symbols, numbers, length,
colour gold and last but not least the finish of your pendant in polished or brushed.
Upload the picture of the fingerprint and we will engrave this unique print on your initial, symbol or number..  ❤

P.S. Did you know that our symbols can be filled with ashes? This way you always have your loved one close to your heart in a special way

18K yellow, white or rose gold
Necklace length: 41 or 44 cm
Reduction rings: 39 – 40 cm or 42 – 43 cm
Signature pendant ± 5 mm high
Symbol pendants standard with ash chamber
Fingerprint laser engraving on the front side of the signature pendant
Quality mark from the Dutch Assay Office

Processing time:
20 business days

Delivery time per location:
NL = 1 – 2 business days
EU & UK = 2 – 5 business days
Other countries: Click here


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